work with me


  • Women’s & Couples’ Health

  • Preconception & Fertility Support

  • Preparing for and moving through Pregnancy

  • Postpartum Planning + Prep

  • The PeriMenopause/ Menopause Transition

My approach

I am informed mainly by Ayurvedic medicine, therefore my approach is always individualized.

For example, two people may come to me with high stress and low thyroid function but may come away with very different treatment plans.
While there are undoubtedly tried and true protocols for many dis-ease processes, I believe that the approach to each health program must be individualized - I treat human beings, I don’t treat disease.

I'm also informed by the myriad forms of medicine with which I've worked through my mentors, including herbal medicine, functional medicine, plant spirit medicine, breathwork, and homeopathy. I bring in whatever I feel will best support you.

One special piece that I offer: I HOLD SPACE FOR YOU, and for whatever is coming up in your life. You can have a consult around big emotions, upsets, or traumas, or about what you want to eat for the next month.
You will guide me to what you need.

Your goal during our time together

is to get to the root of your health & life situation and anything holding you back from fully living - so you can enjoy your life and give your gifts to the world.
If you want to get pregnant- we’ll support you being ready to conceive a healthy baby and thrive while you grow and birth your baby.

If you’re pregnant, your goal is to navigate pregnancy and have a healthy birth and postpartum - I’m here to support all of this!

When I work with a person for a period of time, whether it be for 3 months or 13, we get past those initial challenges and push through into new territory to create change for you.
I'm there to listen when you just can't make that dietary change or implement this practice and need a different idea. I'm there to tell you to take the long view and not be hard on yourself (!) I'm also there to remind you that if you keep doing the same things you've always done, you will probably keep feeling as you do now, and that you really do have the power to heal yourself.

I want you to really GET that you are your own healer.
Together you and mother nature, plus time and patience can restore balance to your life, your body, your mind and your energy.

I'm there to guide you.

This isn't about self-improvement, it's about clearing away the crud to reveal who you really are. This gives you access to your full energy and your full power. So you can enjoy your life NOW - not in some foggy future.

I only take a COUPLE NEW clients each month...

I believe in keeping balance between caring for my family, taking good care of myself and working with clients and students, so I only take on a few clients each month.

sign up to work together over time
with an inclusive package

(or ask me about single sessions)

Complete Women's Health Package

This package is for all women’s health work, including:
• general health
• preconception
(In preconception I recommend a cleanse or reset. If we do cleanse work together, the time and supplies for this process are not included in this rate and will be discussed and tailored individually.)
• pregnancy
• postpartum planning support
(doesn’t include any in-home postpartum support, these are online consults to prepare you)
• perimenopause/menopause support.


  • 1 initial session - 75 minutes

  • 3 followup sessions - 45 minutes each

  • 1 Nourish & Reset session, spring or fall

  • Messaging between sessions via the Signal app for a total of 180 days
    9am-5pm M-F Sunny will respond within 5 hours, and will respond Monday if a message is received on the weekend *(note that messaging is for simple situations & clarification, in-depth or complicated situations will require a full session)

  • All sessions should be used within a max of 7 months

$899 ($2000 value)

Women's Health Package

This package is for all women’s health work, including:
• general health
• preconception
(In preconception I recommend a cleanse or reset. If we do cleanse work together, the time and supplies for this process are not included in this rate and will be discussed and tailored individually.)
• pregnancy
• postpartum planning support
(doesn’t include any in-home postpartum support, these are online consults to prepare you)
• perimenopause/menopause support.


  • 1 initial session - 75 minutes

  • 2 followup sessions - 45 minutes each

  • Messaging between sessions via the Signal app for a total of 90 days
    9am-5pm M-F Sunny will respond within 5 hours, and will respond Monday if a message is received on the weekend *(note that messaging is for simple situations & clarification, in-depth or complicated situations will require a full session)

  • All sessions must be used within a max of 4 months

inclusive packages

Work with me over time for deeper work and larger transformations.

Inclusive packages offer voice message and text support via the Signal app between sessions, in addition to email correspondence, to offer you seamless support.

This way of working lends itself to the perinatal time, as well as working with deeper health challenges or spiritual arisings where a lot of support and space holding are needed.